


  • Headquarters and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong

    Room 610-612, 6/F., Kwong Sang Hong Centre, 151-153 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, H.K.

  • Principal Place of Business in the PRC     

    Dongjiang Industrial Estate, Shuikou Street, Huicheng District, Huizhou City 516005, Guangdong Province, The People’s Republic of China

  • Registered Office

    Cricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O.Box 2681 Grand Cayman KY1-1111 Cayman Islands 

  • Executive Director        

    Mr. Hung Kwong Yee (Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer)

    Ms. Hung Sui Lam

    Mr. Tse Chung Shing

  • Company Secretary

    Mr. Tse Chung Shing (Vice President, Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer, ACCA)

  • Independent Non-executive Director

    Mr. Lam Cheung Chuen, Mr. Chu Yat Pang Terry, Mr. Lee Kwan Hung Eddie,  Dr. Lui Sun Wing  

  • Auditor and Reporting Accountant

    PricewaterhouseCoopers  22/F, Prince’s Building, Central, Hong Kong

  • Legal advisers

    As to Hong Kong law: Deacons 5/F Alexandra House 18 Chater Road Central Hong Kong
    As to PRC law: WeiLun Law Firm,15th Floor, Zhognxing City TImes B Building, NO.3 Jiangbei Civilization One Road, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China